Adrift in the modern world....

The bold enterprize of one woman trying to brighten her day by turning the clock back to the Golden Age of style...when hats, handbags and gloves were de rigueur each and every day.

as if I haven't got enough to do.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Again, apologies for my tardiness over my posts lately. But real-life has been getting in the way of things, like rehearsals for Othello. Although, at least I don't have to worry about costumes for this, as we are setting it 'trad' so we have plenty of Elizabethan costumes that I can wade through. Lines are still last minutes; I promised I was NOT going to be still using the script this week, but guess what, it's Thursday and I still don't know them all...sigh!

Anyhooooow!!! Despite all the above, I started a new project last night. I wasn't intending to, but on a trip to a fabric shop (for darling Ma) I just happened to take a peek at the pattern book. A little bit of a mistake as I ended up buying a patter to use with some material that I've had hanging aobut for ages. So here's the pattern...

So I've cut out the pattern for the red dress (bottom right) but added a little more fullness in the skirt and the fabric is the black with red strawberries!!! I'm hoping that it will be finished by Sunday as I have a party to go to on Bank Holiday Monday (yes, cutting it fine again) I think that by adding a full net petticoat underneath will give it the right look (as oppsed to the rather flat version modeled above). I will keep you posted on this!

I have finally taken pics of all my recent purchases, so I will post those over the weekend. Including some lovely new vintage earings that I picked up at Jacob's Antique market in Cardiff.

So that's all for now, chaps! Hope you all have a lovely Bank Holiday and that its Pimms and G&T weather where you are!

