Adrift in the modern world....

The bold enterprize of one woman trying to brighten her day by turning the clock back to the Golden Age of style...when hats, handbags and gloves were de rigueur each and every day.

the sun has got his hat on...

Friday, November 03, 2006

for the THIRD day in a row...this MUST be global warming!! And good on it...that's all I can say. Although it did get a bit nippy last night at -5 degrees, so socks and a hottie were in order at bed time.

Ice on the car again this morning BUT i did manage to find an ice scraper thing-y so I spared the credit card this morning. But it's still a bit chilly standing there like a lemon while you remove the ice from the car...but at least i had Slash, Axl and co to keep me company although I'm not sure that Ma and the neighbours appreciated Paradise City at just after 8am...but who cares. If I'm up then everyone else should be. of the day...actually boots of the day: high heeled fabric boots. Black of course. Do i own anything that's not black? ummm....that would be a no.

Reading a really crap book called Left Bank by some newspaper columist who writes a brilliant column (which I religiously read every week) but maybe she should stick to columns and not novels...

Need to temp the muse to carry on with the new short story...the Mad Lep is hounding me for more...

Working in the bar tonight...bah!

well, at least it's sunny today

Thursday, November 02, 2006

morning luvvies

well...todays tootsie coverings are a apir of flat black pumps...due to the fact that although the weather is lovely i had to scrape ICE off the car this morning...ICE...with no bloody warning at all. I had expected a nice bright sunny day but not the frost! The first frost of the year. I hope we get snow this year...lots and lots - enough to keep me off work (but not in December please as i'm going on hols then)

But as promised yesterday. Handbags...

if someone could invent a handbag that was small and compact from the outside and had the capacity of Mary Poppin's carpet bag on the inside, I would get down on my knees and worship them

Actually, if that same person could work on cloning as well, i'd been most grateful. His first trial could be perfecting me a Slash clone...and i promise i would look after him...

Anyway *ahem* back to the handbag. the perfect handbag should have the capacity to carry a purse, a MP3 player, a book or in my case a script, a hairbrush, perfume, lip stuff, aspirin, throat sweets, choccy bar (various) a notebook (very important for all those little ideas and plot points) tissues, a scrap of unidentified fabric and a pile of tesco receipts and money off vouchers that will never be redeamed.

I have so many handbags but the hassle of tranferring all that crap from one to another, means that i only change handbags when i can't fit anymore into the current one. then i decant all the most important bits into a new one...and start again...


no idea....I'll ask the Mad Lep for guidance

Shoes...and other important matters

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


the most important (or at least one of) decisions of my day...let me explain. i can never decide what to wear to work the previous night as it's all a matter of weather and how much of it we're likely to get the following morning. So, i have a gander at the level of cloud cover by looking at just how dark the room is and then lie in the comfort of my bed and contemplate the appropriate footwear.'s bright and sunny (for once) so i am wearing a delightful pair of high heeled suede pumps...bliss!!!

tomorrow...the ultimate handbag