Well, folks after all my whittering etc the final dress/techincal run through for Othello is this evening. I went to the theatre on Saturday to see the set being finished and yet again our stage guys have outdone themselves with an amazing set (apart from one bit where I need help to get through a gap backstage as I am wearing a huge Elizabethan frock) but other than that little hiccup it's stunning.
Costumes yet again are proving to be a 'last minute' issue, despite thinking that it was all done and dusted costume wise weeks ago. The chemise they sent me to 'die in' is completely transparent under the stage lights!!! I will go so far for my art, but not that far...dear reader.
The lines are now fine except for two lines which for the LIFE of me I can never remember, but luckily they are to myself so it doesn't really matter....much. Yet again there was controversy in the Programme notes from the Director but luckily I saw the proofs before they went to the printers and amended a few words!
On other things, I bought a fab set of 6 cocktail glasses for £3 in a car boot sale, I would think they are late 1930's ish...maybe a bit later and then would you beleive it...the following day in a local charity shop foung a glass jug with almost the identical pattern of glass etching (vines) for £2. I can't decide if I'm going to keep this or not as I'm running out of space, but if I do I'll mention it here that it's going up on ebay.
On another note, I should be going to Paris...possibly with a chum who's been poorly for a while and whats a little trip with some light shopping, sightseeing etc. I'm just going to be on the look out for handsome French rugby players (see earlier posts) although by the time we finally get there the season will be over.
Finally, on a devastating point, I was offered a ticket to watch Stade Francais play in Cardiff on friday, even though one of my hero's Dimitri Szarzewski might not even play...and where am I??? HUH???? On stage...I am mortified....gutted and tres tres desolete!!!!
Au reviour ma petite pommes!!!!

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