And on a slightly brighter note:
Yesterday we had the first read through of Othello; it sounded really good although I was a bit surprised at Iago's London accent, until I realised that all the 'plebs' and 'baddies' had Sarf London accents and all the 'toffs' were straight RSC RP!!!! Once I got used to it, it worked brilliantly, really throwing up the difference in class and station between the characters. The chap who is playing Iago is just one of the most brilliant actors I have ever had the pleasure of sharing a stage with. When we did Robert Bolt's Vivat Vivat Regina he was a brilliantly sinister Lord Morton. And his Bill Sykes is THE definative version (apart from Oliver Reed) and I don't care what anyone else says.
There's not much else to report, I haven't been out shopping or bargain hunting and I have promise myself that I am not going to go anywhere near a shop until I have finished clearing the wardrobes!!! SO there!!!!
Some random uplifting pictures to cheer myself up

I adore Black and White photography, they are so atmospheric and interesting. Who said black was boring?
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