Adrift in the modern world....

The bold enterprize of one woman trying to brighten her day by turning the clock back to the Golden Age of style...when hats, handbags and gloves were de rigueur each and every day.

is being totally frivolous and silly

Monday, February 28, 2011

Well, disappointingly we are nearly at the end of another Six Nations Rugby tournament! I mean all those fit young hunky men...with muscles on muscles and muscles where I didn't even know you could have them! As I have noted before the King of the Field (in my humble opinion) is French No 8 Sebastien Chabal...but if you've not been looking carefully, you will have missed Maxime Medard and Dimitri Szarzewski (both of whom are currently injured - I have offered to rub them down with some wintergreen, but they haven't got back to me yet). Shame!

On to more rational areas.... is a very interesting post about dressing "vintage" and how far you go for it on a daily basis. I have to admit that as I stick to wiggle skirts and blouses with stilettoes for work and with the hair pinned up it's retro enough to be different but not enough to scare the more 'conservative' element. Although, saying that, where I work (a university) the fashions that drift through the lecture theatres on a daily basis make nearly any item of clothing wearable however bizzare. However, I do think that for some women, vintage fashion in what ever their chosen area is, flatters them far more than any modern 'fashion' can do. Take me for exmple, I am a smidge over 5ft 2 and have the classic hourglass figure; so the late 1940's or 1950's are perfect for me. Now I'm not a vintage snob! I can't be, where I live the chance to get ones mitts on genuine vitage is slim and what is available is pricey (although wonderful) so I don't mind repro stuff or high street stuff that has a vintage flair, so its not difficult to find your niche.

BTW if anyone sees cherry red vintage style suede shoes can you let me know....I am desparate as I have this glorious skirt that is just crying out for red shoes!

Having been discussing men (there were lots of rugby pictures on the back of the newspaper delivered to the office) all day; we girls were challenged to name our fav chaps. Now I know love vintage but when it comes to men, I just can't escape my Goth past:

here they are:
clockwise from top left: Dimitri Szarzewski - French rugby player; Eomer from LOTR (Karl Urban in real life) James Hetfield of Metallica and finally Sebastien Chabal (posing in his Ruckfield clothing line - nice but pricey).
The Mad Lep despairs at my choice but I don't care...
Till next time pip pip

well guess what? it's Friday again...

Friday, February 18, 2011

How did that happen? Where did the last two weeks go? I have come to the conclusion that the older you get the faster time passes by. Do you realise that apparently already 1/7th of the year has already gone by? Exactly...where does the time that flies go? Answers on a postcard, please.

Not much to report, I've been so lazy that I haven't been shopping despite the urgent need for new trews for work, and the annoying this is that I know where they are, but I just can't be arsed to drive there and get the. My excuses last weekend were a) it's Saturday and there'll be just toooo much traffic and parking will be a nightmare... to... b) we'll go tomorrow (Sunday) instead.... c) (Sunday) oooh, it's raining. Don't really fancy flapping about in the rain and getting all damp and THEN having to try on clothes. So as a result I didn't go anywhere, not that I'm complaining as I lounged about and read books and watched films....go me!

As all this news about library closures is in the news, there was a huge push at our local library to get new members, so I rounded up friends who I know love to read but will order from Amazon (cos it's easier) rather than walk to the library. So off we all toootled and those that weren't members joined and then they oooh'd and aaah'd over the cd's and dvd's and then went missing for hours in the book section. Hours later I managed to round them up, using that well worn bribe of a G&T should they vacate the building anytime soon (it was late Friday evening) and all trooped out with maximum allocations of books and I think happily converted to using one of our most under-rated local resources.

Red Legs in Soho has blogged about libraries and their values in her blog, and she puts it far far better than I ever could, so go give it a read.

Some random books I'm reading at the moment are:

CJ Sansom's Mathhew Shardlake series, the new book in the series is Heartstone. If you haven't read any of these, they are worth a look. Shardlake is a lawyer in the time of Henry VIII and it's not all "Chewdors" it's nasty, dangerous with enemies round every corner. Well worth a read if you like well written historically accurate novels.

On a slightly lighter note, I do adore watching the rugby: all those big muscled men getting all sweaty....phew....and the king of them all (well in my humble opinion) is Sebastien Chabal. Long hair; tall; built in a rather grand manner...what can a girl say????

a few snaps carrying on the Hnry VIII theme, from a trip to London with the marvellous Mad Lep!

Armour for Henry VIII - big man....big horse!
The Tower of London....obviously!
Henry's armour when he was a LOT smaller!
worried looking lion that caused much hilarity!
well that's all folks till next time

loves Fridays

Friday, February 04, 2011

So far 2011 has not been a good year, two elderly ladies (both in their 90s but somewhere round about 25 in their spirits) have died followed in quick succession by a family member and then a good friend who was far to young to die so suddenly. I only hope that this is it for the rest of the I'm typing this Led Zepplin's Stairway to Heaven is playing on the radio, I hope that all those who have passed are safely in their own Heaven. You will all be missed...

And on a slightly brighter note:

Yesterday we had the first read through of Othello; it sounded really good although I was a bit surprised at Iago's London accent, until I realised that all the 'plebs' and 'baddies' had Sarf London accents and all the 'toffs' were straight RSC RP!!!! Once I got used to it, it worked brilliantly, really throwing up the difference in class and station between the characters. The chap who is playing Iago is just one of the most brilliant actors I have ever had the pleasure of sharing a stage with. When we did Robert Bolt's Vivat Vivat Regina he was a brilliantly sinister Lord Morton. And his Bill Sykes is THE definative version (apart from Oliver Reed) and I don't care what anyone else says.

There's not much else to report, I haven't been out shopping or bargain hunting and I have promise myself that I am not going to go anywhere near a shop until I have finished clearing the wardrobes!!! SO there!!!!

Some random uplifting pictures to cheer myself up

I adore Black and White photography, they are so atmospheric and interesting. Who said black was boring?