due in the main to SNOW! And not just a few flakes that disappear as soon as they hit the floor...no, this is 12 inches of soft powdery stuff that the lucky beggers in the Alps get all the time. Now I love snow, but we just aren't geared up for it. It's a day by day thing for work to see if we are open. And transport is very hit and miss! On Monday, I caught the train to work with nary a problem, however the fun started when they closed the campus at 12.30 and I toddled off to the train station, only to find that winter wonder excuse "frozen points". I'm not one for standing about in a blizzard so I pottled off to the nearest town in the hope of getting a bus...some hope!
I ended up walking more than half the 11 miles home, before my darling Pa dug the car out and ventured out of the house for the first time in three weeks (he's been poorly) and rescued me. I must say that I would not have managed to walk all that way without Craig and Martyn who braved the elements with me. Many, many thanks guys.
Anyhow, since I've posted last I have had another birthday! Although technically I'm not counting anymore. However I had some wonderful presents of people, Ma and Pa bought me far too much to mention it all, but it was all wonderful including a vintage beaded handbag and compact. My Aunt gave me a green glass sugar "scuttle" I think is the only way to describe it. (i will get round to posting some pics soon) as it's difficult to describe it and do it justice. Ma was livid as they had both seen this in a antique shop and my aunt had got there first, Ma retailated with a silver spoon in the same shape. I also had a book on vintage packaging and ephemera which is wonderful to dip into. From my wonderful chum Celia I had two books on the golden age of the Bright Young Things and the DVD of the same, and a wonderful little book in secret London....she spolit me...
So Christmas is nearly upon us, and due to the above mentioned snow, I am so behind with my present shopping. I have a few bits n bobs under the tree for the Ma and Pa but not really very much. I'm hoping to get some shopping done this afternoon, but I'm not that hopeful as Ma has just rung to say it's snowing...again. At least we have plently of food and drink and we are all warm and reasonably healthy...
So May the Christmas Season bring all that you wish for and that you have a happy and healthy 2011.
luv Polly

that the service has been temporarily suspended...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Posted by Polly Garter at 1:51 AM
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